Kaart Ranglijst

Masters Of The Shadows

Stamnaam:Masters Of The Shadows
Aantal leden:6
Punten van de 6 beste spelers:14.620
Totaal aantal punten:14.620
Verslagen tegenstanders: 528 (91.)
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Naam Rang Punten Globale rang Dorpen
The Cerulean Wolf 1 2,684 59 1
Cailus 2 2,646 70 1
PriO 3 2,590 77 1
Panter1982 4 2,272 163 1
milmake 5 2,214 188 1
Murkbey 6 2,214 190 1
From darkness, we bring order. From the shadows, we cast our dominion. We are the unseen guardians-fears us, and you shall find peace.

In the heart of an ancient forest lay the Citadel of Shadows, home to the Masters of the Shadows. Under the leadership of The Cerulean Wolf, this enigmatic order of warriors and sorcerers emerged from hiding to conquer the medieval kingdoms of Tribalwars.

Moving silently through the night, they incapacitated guards and swiftly took control. The Cerulean Wolf, commanding and enigmatic, declared their rule. The villagers, terrified, surrendered. The Shadows imposed order and protection, ensuring the village's prosperity.

Word spread, and some villages resisted, like Windfall in the hills. Despite fierce resistance, the Shadows' ethereal might prevailed. Village after village fell, each conquest marked by a strange benevolence. The Shadows brought discipline and prosperity, transforming Tribalwars.

The Cerulean Wolf stood atop the Citadel, gazing over the unified kingdom. The Masters of the Shadows had conquered, but they had also become unseen guardians, a paradox of darkness bringing light.